Monday, September 18, 2006

Hear Ville on the new Cradle of Filth song

I'm not a big Cradle of Filth fan, but as you know, I love me some Ville Valo. I haven't listened to HIM in a few weeks (I try to get even rotation in the car) but hearing his voice doing a new song reminded me how really obsessed I am. I may need therapy. In case you missed this picture when it was taken, Shame-free met Ville and the guys at a show in San Antonio. We didn't know it was going to happen until about 5 minutes before so I had not prepared the perfect, memorable, profound statement I would make to him, so I ended up saying, "If I don't get a picture with you I am going to die."
How embarrassing...I think he thought I was nuts. About as nuts as Mige and Burton thought we were when we told them we drove 16 hours from Kentucky - now that's devotion.

Link - hear 'Byronic Man'

Link - read the review from the San Antonio show

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