Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Nellie McKay sucks

So I bought her first album because I like Fiona Apple and and I kept hearing amazing reviews about how good it was, and how cool and hip her music was. It sucked donkey ass. I listened to it once and even tried to convince myself that I liked it. Granted, when I saw it for $8 the first week of release at Best Buy, I should have known better. I wouldn't take this new album for even if someone told me it was the second coming of 70's Zeppelin.

That's how shitty the first one was.

It's so bad, I once got a cd for free from some carnival or something for popping balloons by a band called Armageddon Dildos and I would rock that with the windows down before I would listen to this.

What is that common saying? Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Yeah, I think that about covers it.


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