Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I have made no bones about despising the band Disturbed and in particular, their singer, David Draiman. I think he's quite possibly one of the biggest assholes in music. He's right up there with Scott Stapp, and I LOATHE Scott Stapp.

Our boy David has once again outdone himself with a current remark about Genesis and in particular, Phil Collins.

From Launch Radio:

"DISTURBED currently has a huge hit with its cover of the 1986 GENESIS track "Land of Confusion". Vocalist David Draiman says he's heard the members of GENESIS like the DISTURBED version, but also told Launch that he's not concerned about their opinion either way. "To be honest with you, I really don't care what they think," he said. "You know, I'm not trying to jab or anything, I'm just saying that I'm not a fan. I'm a fan of GENESIS prior to Phil Collins. I don't really like Phil. But, you know, he's probably gonna end up making some money off this track, so I don't know what else to really articulate about it that isn't gonna get my butt in trouble (laughs).

"Let me make a few very obvious points:

1.) Disturbed is the suck.
2.) David Draiman is the suck.
3.) Phil Collins has had more hits than Distrubed or Draiman will ever dream of having and is a fantastic musician whether you like him or not.
4.) Phil Collins obviously isn't too shitty since he's making a buck off the song Phil was instrumental in creating.
5.) He doesn't care what they they? Go f**k yourself David. Seriously.

He can kiss my ass for sure. Why is it that people like him feel the need to crack on other people when they are nobodies? Draiman is better than no one and needs to remember that until he starts cranking some shit out that's worth listening to.

Bring it.

other postings hating on Disturbed and their singer
Link 1
Link 2

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