Thursday, October 19, 2006

MCR at the top of the heap once again...

Two posts in a row...pretty good. Anyway...

I found out some funny news from They were sent the new MCR album (jealous?) but it was sent under a pseudonym (look it up) so as to detract people from swiping it and causing a leaked release. Veeery interesting. However, word on the street is that starting Tuesday, Hot Topic will be playing the album in it's entirety over their speaker system.


Also, Kasabian is talking shit about them. But honestly, who is Kasabian anyway and who really cares what they think? I think there may be a bit of jealousy in the air. Oui?


Also, if you don't know already know, MCR has made the cover(s) of Kerrang! Five covers, one for each member. Gee, I wonder which one will sell out first?

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