Thursday, October 5, 2006

New Gwen Stefani album

Gwen and I have a long, sordid history:

1994 - Due to the movie Clueless (which is awesome, if you don't like it, you don't get it) which featured "Just A Girl" I fall in love with No Doubt and think I am Gwen Stefani.

1995 - Less than 1 year later, she begins dating Gavin Rossdale, who I was certain was going to be my future ex-husband - I hate her guts and completely forget that No Doubt rocks. I am wishing things worked out with her and Tony.

2002 - Gwen and Gavin marry and I face the fact that I will never make out with him.

2003 - I like her again after No Doubt's cover of "It's My Life" for "The Singles" album.

November 2004 - I hear "What You Waiting For" and can't stop comparing it to "Hey Mickey." I hate the new album - thusly, I hate Gwen for making it.

December 2004 - I hear "What You Waiting For" 800 more times and decide that maybe it's not so bad.

May 2005 - I buy Love.Angel.Music.Baby and say I hate it but secretly listen to it when I am alone in my car.

May 2006 - Gwen has a baby and I feel like I should send them a baby gift - I may need to get out more.

October 5, 2006 7:35 pm - I read that Gwen is coming out with a new album - I have mixed feelings, but I think I may be alright with this.

October 5, 2006 7:37 pm - I read the rest of the article and find out that she is coming out with a line of dolls with changeable clothes - I am again disgusted.

Oh Gwen I just want to love you...why do you hurt me so?


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