Saturday, November 18, 2006

5 Most Unintentionally Funny Albums of 2006

Cracked magazine is a low-rent Mad magazine. They rip off jokes, they use bathroom humor and they pretty much suck ass, so please, take what I am about to tell you with a grain of salt.

They have announced their list of the 5 Most Unintentionally Funny Albums of 2006.

1.) Inhuman Rampage by Dragon Force
2.) The Life Pursuit by Belle and Sebastian
3.) Jibbs Feat Jibbs by Jibbs
4.) Amputechture by Mars Volta
and last, a choice that is very poorly calculated
5.) The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

I know...I know. It doesn't even make me mad, it just makes me feel sorry for them. Even if you don't like MCR, there are very few things funny on that album. This just proves that most people who write about music have no right to do so. For their stupidity, I am not even going to link to them. They don't deserve the traffic.

Here was their explaination for why they chose MCR:
"Nobody knows why Queen worked. Maybe it was the ’70s. Maybe it was Freddie Mercury’s magical mustache. By all logic, a band fronted by a man wearing white spandex overalls who sings rock-operas about riding a bicycle should not work. But it did and unless you’re one of the many millions of people who find them incredibly annoying, Queen was good in a creative, tongue-in-cheek way, and that was that. Now comes the thing known as My Chemical Romance, a bunch of sniveling little pop-punk MTV cretins who think they can just throw on some marching band uniforms and recreate “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Sure, Brian May could rock circles around My Chemical Romance. And yes, even with his head in a bucket of water Freddie could out-sing their weenie lead singer. But the most important thing here is that Queen had a sense of humor about their over-the-top rock, while My Chemical Romance takes it all so seriously. You think that in 20 years people will be performing karaoke to “Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?” Or will they be screaming “Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?!” Epics are either really fun or kickass: you can either be funny and flamboyant like Queen or surly and awesome like Lynard Skynard. But you can’t shop at Hot Topic and cry about your daddy."

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