Monday, February 26, 2007

Who would support something like this?

I'm talking about the new Avril Lavigne video. It's just not nice, plain and simple. Put aside how much I think she sucks and how much of a poseur I think she is - it has nothing to do with this. What does have to do with this is that she is just being a bitch plain and simple in this video.

Am I supposed to think that just because the "nerdy girl" gave her a dirty look at the beginning that warrants being treated this way? This is beyond being funny, it's just wrong. Also, what kind of guy would choose a girl who would do all these rotten things to someone who obviously at one point was good enough for him to like?

The music is shit. The lyrics are worse. The video is mean-spirited. To all of you who like this, remember what it was like when you were uncool. I know it's a video, but there are impressionable girls who will take this literally and start treating each other worse than they already do. Avril has turned into that bitch in high school who was knocking books out of your hand and throwing shit in your hair during math class. F**k that.

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