Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Too much for Link it - not enough for it's own blog

HIM has pushed back the release date of their album until September. According to the interview with Wille Walo in Metal Hammer they won't be done recording until the end of June so the delay is no big shocker.

Also, why do people insist on writing HIM like this:


I know so much shit about them I could write a HIM novel and I am 90% sure that the whole abbreviation of 'His Infernal Majesty' is no longer necessary. They haven't gone by that name for what, 12 years or something? I vow that if I ever meet Ville again (yes, again) I will ask him about the appropriate way to write their name.


Stop sending death threats to the caterers who poisoned MCR and Muse you crazies. Oh yeah, MCR are on the cover of Rock Sound this month.

Link .. ..

Let me say this again because some people obviously missed the glaring message. STOP BUYING AVRIL LAVIGNE ALBUMS! The song Girlfriend should alone be enough for people to turn against her but this Blender spread is over the edge. If you bought her album and shame on you if you did then you have officially have no right to ever feel sorry for yourself ever again. You are not allowed to hate 'preps' or look down on boyfriend stealers because you are indeed supporting them. Don't like my opinion on her - I don't really care. I see DOZENS of bulletins a day with girls complaining about how they look or that they don't have a boyfriend or that girls are mean to them. F**k that. You want some empowering music because you need some support so you pop in some Avril Lavigne - you're got to be f**king kidding me. Grow a pair, start paying attention to what you are listening to and take a stand against this bullshit.

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