Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Manson talkin' smack about MCR

From what I can gather Marilyn Manson thinks My Chemical Romance "stole his schtick", as I like to say. Manson claimed that a song on his new album is directly pointing it's finger at MCR, "Mutilation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery." The lyrics are as follows:

"Hey, there's no rules today / You steal instead of borrow / You take all the shapes that I make / And you think that you thought / All the thoughts that I thought you / Don't you?"

He goes on to say, "I'm embarrassed to be me because these people are doing a really sad, pitiful, shallow version of what I've done. If they want to identify with me then here's a razor blade. Call me when you're done and we'll talk."

He is so f**king full of shit. I mean, he's GOT to be kidding.

Hey Marilyn! Alice Cooper, David Bowie, Ozzy Osborne, Robert Smith, Peter Steele, *feel free to add any others* called. They wanted me to tell you, ok, let me read this correctly here,

The more he opens his mouth the less I like him. W.T.F.?




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