Monday, March 24, 2008

Rock of Love 2 Synyster Gates doppelganger

Ok, correct me if I am wrong but does this guy or does he not look like he thinks he's Synyster Gates?I couldn't find a picture of him from the front with that hat and bandana but if you caught the episode (yes, I watch this trash) he was dead on. Below is a link to his MySpace. Not quite as close without the "ensemble" but you get the drift.


UPDATE: I wasn't going to say anything but some of you people who have posted comments are total morons (I'm looking in your direction anonymous May 21, June 15 and June 19th.) You've made it obvious you don't know what 'doppleganger' means and clearly you haven't read the blog. NO ONE IS SAYING HE ACTUALLY IS SYNYSTER YOU DUMB FUCKS. We all know Synyster has arms full of tattoos. So, you last 3 who posted anonymously - you are all officially the most stupid people who read my blog. Learn to read or shut the fuck up.


Anonymous said...

Yea I thought the same thing!!

Anonymous said...

oh god..
hes lame
and he looks nothing liken brian..
hes a wannabe xD

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I said the same thing! As soon as we saw the preview, and then he came on the screen we were like "Her ex is Syn?"

EdgeGirl (Coldeternal) said...

I should have been watching it more. However I am "Shame Free" and cannot bear to watch a middle aged, bloated man whose pictures used to adorn my wall embarrass himself! :P

Unknown said...

I know he thought he was synyster gates because this guy is my uncle!!

Unknown said...

nah im just kidding. he didnt do a very good job. lol. he really didnt

Anonymous said...

the guy on the photo doesn't have the tatooos.... it's not him.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Synyster Gates has different tattoos.

Not him.

Anonymous said...

>_< That faggot looks nothing like Syn. Syn is the shit, man. Not to mention... Syn has 2 full tattoo sleeves... So how the hell do you get Syn out of this wannabe mother fucking faggot?

plastikfake said...

Oh ok.
So I'm not the only one that thought that, good lol.
I was actually getting somewhat pissed everytime I looked at him XD
I like took pictures of the TV when he was on too and put it up to my Facebook friends to decide as well if he looks like him or not.
Obviously the real Syn will always be MUCH more awesome then this wannabe lol.

Anonymous said...

Actually, his name is Charles Edward and he's a musician and famous of his own accord. :)

Anonymous said...

Actually, that's Charles Edward of Seraphim Shock... among other projects he does. He's no wannabe, believe me. If anything, the guy is original and very much his own person with his own style - personally and artistic too - It's kinda a coincidence or somewhat of a common look to put together. Either way it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

You know what gates I'd younger than Charles Edward and plus why would gates wear a white trash hat. I don't care if he thinks he is synyster gates but that hat will separate them on the hats, because Charles is the white trash satan.