Tool performing '10,000 days' in Dallas
KISS has sent their new coffee to the troups in Iraq. Ok, here's a little history lesson for you guys...Many, many years ago, Mars, the candy company, sent M&M's to soldiers fighting in World War II and when they came home, they had grown an affinity for the chocolate. I don't know if this is what KISS is doing, but who knows. Gene Simmons is the biggest idiot savant I have ever seen.Link
Courtney Love is up to her old tricks again. Haha, I said 'trick' and 'Courtney Love' in the same sentence. Anyway, she wants everyone to know that the song 'Nevermind' was about her. She's also working on a new album tentatively called, "How Dirty Girls Get Clean." Boy, that's original Courtney...$10 says she has some sort of public meltdown/make-over before the release of her album. Heaven forbid she sell a record without exploiting herself.
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