Monday, October 2, 2006

Sam Goody, FYE and Cocobuts cut off nose to spite face.

We all know that Sam Goody, FYE and Coconuts are rip-off-artists when it comes to price gouging CD's. Scissor Sisters singer Jake Shears spoke out about it during a set at the National Association of Recording Merchandisers by singing, "I have a little FYI, your CD prices are too high." in response to what the company was charging for the The Racontours new album. This resulted in Trans World, owner of Sam Goody, FYE and Coconuts to pull the album off their shelves.

I have a few thoughts about this:

1.) Sam Goody and the like aren't in a position to limit what they are selling to customers, they are already losing money hand-over-fist to free downloading, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etc.

2.) Speaking of Wal-Mart, they tried banning the self-titled album by Sheryl Crow which ended up winning her two Grammy's. I don't care if you don't like Sheryl Crow and yes, her new stuff sucks royally. However, when she sang, "Watch out sister, Watch out brother/Watch our children as they kill each other/With a gun they bought at the Wal-Mart discount stores." she didn't back down when Wal-Mart felt they had been represented negatively. In an odd twist of irony, Wal-Mart who were so set against selling an album that they felt set them in a bad light, ended up paying 2.16 million dollars in a verdict that found them guilty of selling bullets to minors - bullets that were used to kill a man in Pensacola, FL.

Karma's a bitch.

Trans World should remember that. Trust me, they need Scissor Sisters worse than Scissor Sisters needs them...


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