Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Seriously...What the f*ck?

I have to bitch a little here. I have found three things today that are all at the height of stupidity.

1.) Lady Sovreign What the hell is she? What does she do? I will admit I have never listened to her, but I simply can't subject myself to a "rapper" who looks like Avril lavigne and Sporty Spice had a love child.

2.) Axl Rose I could go on and on about what an ass he is, but I think Jesse Hughes of The Eagles of Death Metal (yes, the feud continues) pretty much sums it up. In his rant about Axl thinking he's the shit he says, "If it's about firing the best aspects of your band, so they go and make a better band and call it VELVET REVOLVER, then fuck you."

Purely hilarious.

3.) Jerry Lee Lewis What's with the sudden resurgence of popularity. I would like to remind everyone, in case they have forgotten, that he married his 15 year old cousin when he was like, 35. Ew.

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