Wednesday, November 8, 2006

So I played Guitar Hero II...

for, like, 2 hours yesterday and another 2 today. Not exactly the marathon I expected, but plenty of time just the same. While overall I am not really impressed with the covers (most of the vocals sound like bad karaoke) it is fun. My only beef with the game as compared to the last one is that the "Hard" level is WAAAYYY too hard. From "Medium" to "Hard" is such a leap I thought I had accidentally set it on "Expert." I will tell you though, "Beast and the Harlot" is about as bad-assed as it gets. Its owns you and your mother. Oh, and please, don't think my counterpart and myself didn't get our fill, we made it to Freebird. Oh yeah.

Apparently Jonathan David of Korn loves it too. I knew that man had good taste. ;)


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